Nov 27th 2010 - 4 days of thanksgiving holidays, what do you do if there are no trips planned for this one, well laze, laze and then laze some more :) I had a pretty consistent schedule all 4 days, wake up by 10:30, prepare break-fast, lunch, then read my books, nap from 4-6, gym, bath, cook dinner, watch a movie, goodnite.
Well Saturday hubby was really bored and decided to go to the Casino to play Cosmic Bingo. We went a lot the first year we were here, last year I had my precious little baby to tend to....so I skipped the casino entirely.
Cosmic Bingo was to start at 11:00 pm. We reached by 10..so decided to try some blackjack, well luck was definitley my side as I hit 3 Blackjacks(dont recall the last time I got a profit :)), after getting a profit of $15 we left for Bingo.
Cosmic Bingo is always fun with the lights & music. On the 4th card I was waiting for 1 number to complete my horizontal line and then she called - G-49. Bingo I screamed, my ticket no was read and I won $100. Then I was called on stage to spin a board and I won another $50 and a %20 bingo voucher. Well!Well, someone's luck was really riding high.