Friday, April 18, 2014

More Pregnancy News!

More pregnancy news: I cleared my 1 hr GLocuse test, so that tension is out of the way.
We were planning to have a 2nd one after the summer of 2013 and decided to try in Aug 2013. Now since the 1st one was as we planned me and hubby though it will happen when we decide. So aug end I was all set with my pregnancy kit and I got a -ve result. I was dumbfounded and so was hubby, tried again next month and this time before I could test I got my periods.

Then I decided not to get tensed and think about it, it will happen when it has to else I have my one and only. Next month I was busy with Diwali celebrations, dance practises and other activities. My periods were late and I sort of guessed I may be pregnant, decided to have the pregnancy test on 10th Nov 2013 and saw the wonderful 2 pink lines.
Immediately told hubby but we did not tell back home and decided to let them know when we got to India. We were travelling to India on the 27th Nov and till then everything was just like normal. I had no pregnancy symptons so days were just like usual except that I started taking my pre-natal tablets. I was a little worried about the long plane trip but I was as good as normal, hubby was not worried at all, infact he behaved as though nothing new with us. I had not yet told my baby boy who kept on asking me for another baby.

What happened after we reached India and how we told parents in the next post......

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