Friday, June 14, 2013

How I manage my time. - Blog Marathon 3

In our apartment complex most of the married  ladies are SAHM, there are very few 2-3 of us who are working. The other ladies always comment on how I can do so much even after working. I come back from office and cook, go for walk, play volleyball(in summers), spend time with my son, read to him, make him write etc.
If there is any social gathering(I am usually the one to initiate it) I will always be in the fore-front, managing, getting accounts, co-ordinating and even hosting.
And for all those who ask me how I do it, I have only one answer I love doing all of it.

I set my priorities, At this time Ritvik and his needs are more important, so like getting food ready is a definite must. Once that is done I can do whatever in my free time.
Morning 9-5 I go to office, there is no escaping that. As soon as I return home I make tea for myself and hubby.
We sip our tea and snacks and look at R's antics.
5:30 - I start preparing meals. It takes me about 35-40 minutes. I usually make a sabzi and a curry. Thankfully we have a rice cooker for cooking rice so I have to just put the rice and water, set it to cook and leave. If it is chapati then hubby will make the dough, I can just return and make chapatis.
6:15 7:15 - I go running/walking.
7:15 - 9:00 - Play volleyball/play with Ritvik
9:15 - Retunr home, have dinner, dishes are washed by hubby( I read to my son)
10 - 11:00 TV time
11: 00- Bed

Really, it is not at all difficult to manage time if you know what you want to get out of it.
So tell me what is your typical day like?

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